Try disc golf...

The first disc golf trial day will take place in Grüttpark Lörrach on Saturday, June 10th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Frisbees can be borrowed from us free of charge on site. The local clubs Disc Golf Lörrach eV and Merry Chains Basel have an information stand and help with the first throws. The Rosengarten restaurant ensures your physical well-being and rounds off the day's program with live music from 6 p.m. An official opening of the disc golf course will take place at 11 a.m. as part of this year's “40 Years of Grüttpark” anniversary by the city of Lörrach.

Interested parties of all abilities and ages are welcome. For groups of 10 or more people, please register in advance at .

Anyone who would like to watch experienced players is cordially invited to watch the Grüttpark Open on Sunday, June 11th, 2023 . 90 players from home and abroad are expected at this tournament. The competition celebrates the official inauguration of the 18-hole course - one of the most beautiful disc golf courses in Germany.

Photo: Michi Stadelmann