Clash Discs Wild Honey Steady

Flight specifications: 12 / 5 / -2 / 2

Regular price €19,90
Regular price Sale price €19,90
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Do you know that psychadelic honey from the Amazonas? That's what we dip our Wild Honeys in before sending them out to you ;) Because that disc stimulates your senses. The Wild Honey is an understable distance driver. Design principle behind the mold was to make it a very accessible distance driver for players with slower arm speed. With this disc you can get a beautiful long s-curving flight path without much effort. Pop it on a small hyzer and watch it glide for days!

Flight specs: Speed ​​12 / Glide 5 / Turn -2 / Fade 2

Wild Honey Steady


Steady is a durable and flexible premium plastic that guarantees a nice easy grip in all circumstances. It has a pronounced sheen to it.

  • Flo (Fortgeschrittener Spieler)

    As a bee keeper (no shit) I can tell you that wild honey must taste delicious, but I've never had it. But I have thrown this disc and the flight numbers keep their promise. Flippy and stable afterwards.

Are you more of a visual guy? Then just watch how the Wild Honey Steady performs